Singin Dog Blog

Singin Dog Blog2020-02-20T09:35:52-06:00

Happenings & Tips from Singin’ Dog Reeds

Explore our blog for tips and updates from Singin’ Dog!

How to put your oboe together

April 7th, 2020|Oboe Techniques|

Congratulations!  You just got your oboe, this is an exciting moment for you. Before diving in make sure to take care of a couple loose ends. You are going to be assembling and disassembling your oboe a lot over your

How to tongue fast on the oboe

March 6th, 2020|Oboe Techniques|

How to tongue fast on the oboe Articulation on the oboe, and double reed instruments in general, if often seen as complicated and cumbersome, but this need not be so. In practice oboists need to be able to articulate with

How to Practice Oboe Vibrato

February 20th, 2020|Oboe Techniques|

How to practice oboe vibrato All advanced players of the oboe need to be familiar with vibrato, but it can be intimidating for younger players to approach. Luckily there are plenty of ways to practice vibrato to make it second

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