Oboe 2020-21 Texas All-State Ferling Etude in Db played by Jennifer C Lucio
admin2020-09-11T12:57:48-05:00Jennifer Corning Lucio plays Texas TMEA All-State Etude 3 in Db for 2020-21, also known as Ferling Etude #42
Jennifer Corning Lucio plays Texas TMEA All-State Etude 3 in Db for 2020-21, also known as Ferling Etude #42
Jennifer Corning Lucio plays this beautiful etude for oboe for Texas All-State TMEA 2020-2021. The tempo is marked eighth note=72-80, quite a slow tempo! More music at jenniferoboe.com.
Jennifer Corning Lucio plays the d minor Texas TMEA All State Oboe Etude 1 for 2020-21, also known as Ferling #20, marked Allegro furioso. More music at jenniferoboe.com
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